"Love people, not things. Use things, not people."
President Spencer W. Kimball

"With an ounce of obedience comes a bushel of blessings."
Elder Neal A. Maxwell

"It is easier to keep up than to catch up, but it is better to catch up than to give up." JJO

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wendy tagged me. I guess I'm suppose to tell 6 insignificant things about myself. What, only 6?

So my bedtime ritual in to put mentholatum on my nose and lips. Very soothing!

I love pink grapefruit juice. The new 'Simply Juice' is a staple in our fridge now.

I'm selfish when it comes to homemade baked cookies. If you bring me some, I'll hide them and eat them all myself. Shame on me!

I have become a Sudoku addict. I was afraid of this and didn't take it up until receintly, now I'm hooked.

I love autumn! The colors, temperature & leaves especially. I've given up on trying to keep my floors clean.

I don't like moths. I inherited this phobia from my mom, though mine is not as severe.


Bonnie said...

NExt time I bring cookies, I'll just bring TWO plates!!

Suzanne said...

I sooooo understand the homemade cookie thing :)

rosanne said...

That makes me feel better...if my relief society president does it, it must be okay! I'll bring you cookies in a plastic ziplock so you can store them under your bed and the moths won't get to them!:)

Jess said...

Fun stuff, Julie! I caught the Sudoku fever for a while, but am glad to report that it has subsided and now I still love it, but it's just a game every now and again.