"Love people, not things. Use things, not people."
President Spencer W. Kimball

"With an ounce of obedience comes a bushel of blessings."
Elder Neal A. Maxwell

"It is easier to keep up than to catch up, but it is better to catch up than to give up." JJO

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Michelle tagged me, so here are the 10 reasons I love my house.

!. I love that all my children have been raised here and we have shared many wonderful times together as a family.

2. I love that my house payment is affordable and our house is almost paid for.

3. We are surrounded by fabulous neighbors and friends who have blessed our lives immensely.

4. We have made many improvements over the years, including custom kitchen cabinets, tile
floors in the kitchen & laundry rooms, central air conditioning, to name a few.

5. I love the location of our home here in the Salt Lake Valley, close to family and friends.

6. I love the beauties that surround us, the mountains that I see when I drive to our home and the valley I see when I drive away from our home.

7. Our home provides us with a safe, comfortable shelter and haven from the weather and world.

8. I love that I can care for my home the way I want: Organize, clean, decorate & furnish.

9. I love my bedroom, especially my big soft king size bed, and my rocking chair where I read, ponder & study.

10. I love our stake and ward families and I'm grateful for the opportunity we have had to serve in various callings in our church.

Monday, November 3, 2008

So here's my offer, If you'd like me to help you with an organizing project or mending I would be willing to trade dinner or cookies. Let me know!